Our coffee capsule is 100%renewable raw materials. This is independently certified by DIN CERTCO with the “100% bio-based” seal (test number 8C150).
(Source rezemo.de)
The wood for our rezemo coffee capsules comes from sustainable,PEFC certifiedForestry in southern Germany. We use wood fibers from residual products, such as sawdust.
(Source rezemo.de)
Our coffee capsule does not contain any fossil plastics (plastic). So it is free ofMicroplastics- Thanks to 100% bio-based ingredients, no microplastics can be formed during decomposition.
(Source rezemo.de)
Our coffee capsule can be completely returned to nature after use. Technically speaking, using 100% renewable and biodegradable raw materials means oneDispose of in the organic waste bin or your compostnothing in the way.
(Source rezemo.de)